A Startup Hub for the Energy Transition  

A Global community for Energy and Cleantech founders, providing access to resources needed to accelerate the energy transition

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A Network of Founders by Founders

The Energy Tech Nexus is operated by Founders who have worked in the energy and climate industry for decades. We take advantage of Houston’s position as the Energy Capital of the world, to bring together the diversity of skill sets and competence to decarbonize the world at scale. Thunder lizards of 2050 will be built right here in Houston.

About Us

A Landing Pad for International Companies

We work with individual companies, trade organizations and other international partners to help scale-ups and other businesses have successful entry into the Houston market. We help you expand your business and build a prominant prescence in the Energy Capital of the world.


Innovation Networking in Houston


Founders & Innovators

Smarter Connections

Relationship Building

Corporate Partners

Industry Stakeholders

Government Partners

Descision Makers


Change Makers


Community Support

Determined To Lead

Women’s Network

Our Mission is to create a more inclusive and sustainable energy future by enabling women to take on leadership roles, serve on boards, and actively contribute to decisions shaping the industry. We advocate for a diverse and representative voice in key decision-making forums,  ensuring value from energy transition initiatives.

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